Tantric Flow - by tantra pet

Dear Mistress,

Yet again my session was emotionally draining but ultimately so satisfying! As I told you I have had some problems with my meditation practice lately, I just don’t seem to get into the flow as easily as before. But during the session there were long stretches of pure flow – which was so lovely to experience that again! I really do feel that this also helps me in my daily meditation routine. 

I learned a couple of things during this session, which I feel are important to me. First, while the part with the plastic bag hood was very sexy, it also completely broke the flow. This is all on me Mistress, I wanted to try it and hoped there was some connection between meditative focus on the breath and breath play. At least for now, this turned out to not be the case. So for sessions where flow is essential, I’d rather drop this element.  

Also, the ass spanking part. That I really loved, and surprisingly (to me) I did not feel that this interrupted the flow. To the contrary, the pain and its aftermath leaves behind a sense of elevated calm. I always imagined myself to have a low pain threshold (objectively, I'm sure I still do), but my reaction to the nipple play and ass spanking tells me that there is more to explore here! Thank you for this insight, Mistress! 

So to sum it up, I made a couple of very interesting discoveries about myself that made me want to explore further. As always, I hope you can be there and guide me in this, Mistress. Looking forward to being de-armoured!

Yours submissively,

tantra pet

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